Add Your Voice – Before It’s Too Late!

Tell Salem to put the brakes on a Siletz agreement!

Make your voice heard. Email Salem Elected Officials.


Salem elected officials should delay entering into an MOU with the Siletz Tribe for a public services agreement. If this agreement is approved, the casino project – and its traffic, environmental damage, economic harm and other negative impacts – is more likely to go forward. This is a significant decision that requires public input before moving forward.

Salem residents and Oregonians deserve the opportunity to voice their concerns. A delay would allow for necessary dialogue about the potential impacts of this project.

Traffic and congestion in our neighborhoods will increase, as will commute times and fuel consumption. The casino and its restaurants will siphon customers and revenue away from our small businesses. It will negatively impact wildlife and nearby watersheds, and it has been shown that people who live within 10 miles of a casino are twice as likely to become problem gamblers.

Any project that can have those kinds of impacts on a community and its residents needs to have a thorough review and input from the public.

Please, ensure that the casino proposed by the Siletz Tribe in Salem undergoes a proper public comment process so that those who will be most impacted by it have their say.

Thank you very much.

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Salem Doesn’t Need More Traffic and a Las Vegas Casino in Our Neighborhood

The Siletz Tribe is attempting to build a massive, Las Vegas-style casino right in the heart of Salem. If approved, a commercial lot off of Portland Road in northeast Salem will become a 180,000 square foot gambling operation, with 2,000 gaming devices, 45 table games, along with a 500 room hotel, and 3 restaurants – right off of Interstate 5.

This casino will attract thousands of monthly visitors creating new traffic in our residential neighborhoods which will make our neighborhoods less safe – Like we don’t have enough traffic issues already!

If one tribe can do it, why wouldn’t other tribes also put mega-casinos in Portland, Eugene, and other major metropolitan areas? How fair would it be for the Siletz Tribe to have 2 Vegas-style casinos while the rest of Oregon’s tribes only have 1? Soon we will be living in an Oregon we don’t recognize, with casinos all over the state.

Join our coalition of community leaders, business owners, and concerned citizens and say NO SALEM CASINO!


Oregon Leaders Have Consistently Opposed Gambling Proliferation in Oregon


More Traffic.

  • Because of the casino’s proximity to I-5, traffic on Salem’s roads and through neighborhoods would increase – making neighborhoods less safe and adding to Salem’s already bad traffic issues.

Fewer Jobs.

  • A new casino would take away jobs from local lottery retailers, restaurants, and neighboring casinos and their communities. Casino’s for years have served as essential economic drivers in rural communities. Why should we change that?

Picking Winners and Losers. More Big City Gambling.

  • If approved, the state and federal governments would be breaking with historical policy of “One Casino per Tribe, on reservation.” They would be picking winners and losers by allowing one tribe to play by new rules. Soon, every tribe would be wanting casinos in every major Oregon city.

No Local Oversite.

  • Because Native American tribes are independent nations, if the Siletz Tribe were to build a second Vegas-style casino in the heart of Salem, that property would be taken off local tax rolls, reducing important tax dollars for our schools and public safety. To date, there has been no agreement between the Siletz Tribe and the City of Salem to compensate for these lost taxes.